
Cal EPA Statement on COVID-19 and Environmental Compliance

Posted on 4/20/2020 by Roger Marks

On April 15, California’s Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) released a “Statement on Compliance with Regulatory Requirements During the COVID-19 Emergency.”

From the statement:

“CalEPA will fill enforcement gaps left by US EPA’s decision to reduce environmental oversight. We will also maintain our capacity to respond to emergencies.”

Regarding exceptions to or extensions of compliance requirements and deadlines, CalEPA says: 

“Specific time-delimited remedies, such as extension of deadlines, may be warranted under clearly articulated circumstances, but regulatory entities that cannot meet a specific regulatory requirement due to emergency government directives or a specific hardship must contact the appropriate CalEPA board, department or office before falling out of compliance." 

Read CalEPA’s full statement here.

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