Updated: RCRA Corrections Rule is Worth a Look for Generators
Hazardous Waste Rule Adds New Limit for SQGs, More
Update: February 5, 2025EPA delayed the effective date for the 2024 Final Rule until March 21, 2025.
Update: December 11, 2024
EPA re-published several provisions from the August 2023 Final Rule that were withdrawn last year, including the accumulation limit for acute hazardous waste at SQG facilities, with an effective date of
Update: December 6, 2023
After receiving adverse comments from concerned stakeholders, US EPA has withdrawn eight amendments to the RCRA hazardous waste regulations that were included in a “technical corrections” rule earlier this year. Amendments withdrawn on December 6 include revisions discussed below concerning accumulation limits for Small Quantity Generators (SQGs), hazardous waste determinations and codes, and RCRA recordkeeping.
First Published 08/09/2023 (Revised in 12/2023, 12/2024, and 2/2025)
Hazardous waste generators can submit comments until October 10, 2023, on a sizable direct final rule making several “technical corrections” to the RCRA hazardous waste regulations. Many of the corrections affect provisions added or revised as part of three previous RCRA rulemakings:- Generator Improvements Rule
- Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals Rule
- Definition of Solid Waste Rule (2018)
The rule includes at least two changes with the potential to affect the way some hazardous waste generators manage their compliance responsibilities, discussed below.
New: HW Accumulation Limits for Small Quantity Generators
Under RCRA, small quantity generators (SQGs) must abide by a 6,000 kg limit on total hazardous waste accumulated on site at any one time. This rule adds a second on-site accumulation limit of 1 kilogram for acute hazardous waste to the limits for SQGs. The accumulation limit provisions for small quantity generators in 40 CFR 262.16(b)(1) will now read:88 FR 152, page 54089. 08/09/2023 and 89 FR 238, page 99732. 12/11/2024
Until this rule, (b)(1) included the 6,000 kg total accumulation limit, with no mention of acute hazardous waste.
Why the New Limit for SQGs?
To explain this change, EPA takes us back to 1986—the year the agency created a category for "conditionally exempt small quantity generator" or CESQG, now referred to as very small quantity generator or VSQG. Before the 1986 rule, the RCRA regulations included only two generator categories—small and large. When they added a category, EPA did not address accumulation of acute hazardous waste.EPA continues:
"The EPA clarified the distinctions between the three generator categories in the 2016 Generator Improvements rule and stated that a small quantity generator can only generate up to one kilogram of acute hazardous waste in a calendar month, but it was not clear in the new language whether there is a limit on the amount of acute hazardous waste a small quantity generator can accumulate on site at any one time..."
"Consistent with what has been historically allowed for generators of small amounts of acute hazardous waste, the EPA is revising 262.16(b)(1) to clarify that the acute hazardous waste accumulation limit for a small quantity generator is one kilogram."
88 FR 152, page 54089. 08/09/2023
RCRA Hazardous Waste Determinations and Recordkeeping
Update: December 6, 2023—EPA has withdrawn the revised text discussed below related to RCRA hazardous waste determinations and recordkeeping, along with several other provisions from this rule.Normally when characterizing a hazardous waste, generators identify all applicable waste codes (D-codes and F, K, U, and P codes). Generators are required to keep detailed waste ID records, including recording waste codes.
(d) The person then must also determine whether the waste exhibits one or more hazardous characteristics as identified in subpart C of 40 CFR part 261 by following the procedures in paragraph (d)(1) or (2) of this section, or a combination of both.
88 FR 152, page 54109. 08/09/2023 (Withdrawn 12/06/2023)
Hazardous waste generators subject to RCRA regulation as large, small, or very small quantity generators should review this direct final rule in full to ensure ongoing compliance with Federal law. Unless EPA receives adverse comments on these revisions (Update 12/6/23: EPA did receive adverse comments), the Direct Final Rule will take effect as written on December 7, 2023.
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