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EPCRA Reporting: Finding Your SERC, LEPC, or Fire Department

Posted on 1/27/2023 by Nick Waldron

Tier I or Tier II chemical inventory reporting required under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) is due on March 1. By that date, facilities subject to the reporting requirement must provide information about the types and amounts of hazardous chemicals at their site to local emergency responders.

Specifically, Tier I or Tier II reporting must be submitted to the:

  • State Emergency Response Commission (SERC),
  • Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), and
  • Local fire department.

Who and where are these SERCs and LEPCs? How can a facility identify their SERC and/or LEPC in order to submit EPCRA chemical reporting on time and to the right places?

Who Gets Your Chemical Inventory Report

Each state’s governor designates a SERC that is responsible for implementing EPCRA provisions in its state.

The SERC’s duties include:

  • Establishing procedures for receiving and processing public requests for information;
  • Reviewing local emergency response plans;
  • Designating local emergency planning districts;
  • Appointing an LEPC for each district; and
  • Supervising the activities of the LEPC.

Appointed by the SERC, an LEPC is a local body that is required by EPCRA to develop and annually review an emergency response plan. An LEPC also provides information about hazardous chemicals in the community to citizens.

How to Find Your SERC, LEPC and Fire Department

EPA’s website lists SERC contacts for every US state and territory. Facilities wondering where or how to report should get in touch with the appropriate state contact. The SERC can point the facility toward the correct LEPC.

To find your LEPC, ask your SERC. That takes care of two of the three. What about your local fire department?
The fire department that receives your EPCRA chemical inventory reporting is the one in the same jurisdiction as your facility.

If you don’t know which fire department that is, you can find out on the US Fire Administration’s website here. Type in your facility’s ZIP code and click search.

EPCRA Reporting: Finding Your SERC, LEPC, or Fire Department

"LEPCs and SERCs and FDs, Oh My!"  

RIght-to-Know (EPCRA) chemical inventory reporting is one of the many environmental compliance responsibilities we will address during the upcoming Complete Environmental Regulations Webinar on February 2–3.

Attendees also get a grasp of release reporting rules under Right-to-Know and Superfund--as well as key requirements for compliance with TSCA chemical management and reporting regulations, Clean Air and Clean Water Act standards, the basics of hazardous waste management, and more (Full Course Agenda). 

Tags: chemical inventory reporting, EPCRA, LEPC, Right-to-Know, SARA, SERC, Tier II

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