The RCRA regulations require hazardous waste training for "hazardous waste personnel," defined as:
"...all persons who work at, or oversee the operations of, a hazardous waste facility and whose actions or failure to act may result in noncompliance with the requirements (of the RCRA regulations).
40 CFR 260.10
Common job responsibilities performed by hazardous waste personnel include:
- Overseeing waste personnel or operations
- Identifying and/or characterizing solid and hazardous waste
- Counting hazardous waste and determining generator status/category
- Choosing hazardous waste containers
- Marking or labeling containers
- Handling or moving waste or waste containers
- Inspecting containers
- Operating a waste-generating process
- Managing waste in satellite areas
- Reading and applying Federal or state hazardous waste regulations
RCRA training is required for hazardous waste personnel at large quantity and small quantity generator facilities. For very small quantity generators, we strongly recommend training employees to perform their jobs in full compliance with RCRA.
Watch this video to learn who needs RCRA training, what RCRA training for hazardous waste personnel must include, and when and how often RCRA training is required under the 40 CFR Part 262 hazardous waste regulations for generators. More videos at
Small Quantity Generators (Less than 1000 kg per month and 1 kg or less acute hazardous waste)
- Hazardous waste personnel must be "thoroughly familiar" with their responsibilities for hazardous waste management compliance [40 CFR 262.16(b)(9)].
Very Small Quantity Generators (100 kg or less per month and 1 kg or less acute hazardous waste)
- No explicit RCRA training requirements for VSQG personnel.
- Personnel must know enough to perform their jobs in compliance with the RCRA rules for VSQG sites in 40 CFR 262.14.
- Lion recommends the RCRA for Very Small Quantity Generators online training.
[PDF] What's My Generator Status?
Download the free generator category cheat sheet to determine which RCRA training rules apply to your personnel and activities. Knowing your generator status or category is the first step to properly manage your site's waste and provide required RCRA training for personnel.