Compliance Archives - August 2011
ECHA Identifies 20 Chemicals as Potential Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs)
On August 29, 2011, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published a notice proposing to add 20 new chemicals to the Candidate List under the Registration Evaluation of Authorization Chemical Substances (REACH) regulations. These substances are believed to meet the REACH criteria of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC). Many were identified due to their suspected carcinogenicity. Some were identified as...8/31/2011
49 CFR: Keeping Up With the Changes
EPA Extends Comment Period for Solid Waste Rule
August 26, 2011: At 76 FR 53376, in response to several requests from the regulated community, including the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, Precious Metals Producers, and Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc., the EPA extended the comment period for the proposed rule on the definition of solid waste published in...8/24/2011
Regulatory Review Plans
Question of the Week: CESQG & Waste Disposal
PHMSA Proposes to Incorporate Rail Special Permits into the Hazardous Materials Regulations
TSA Amends Air Cargo Screening Rules: Eliminates 3rd-Party Certifiers
TSCA Inventory Update Reporting Modifications; Chemical Data Reporting
Can CESQGs Use the Materials of Trade Rule?
EPA Rule on Carbamate Wastes Now in Effect
On Friday, the EPA finalized a rule that makes revisions to the land disposal restriction (LDR) treatment standards for Carbamate wastes at 40 CFR 268.40. These new standards are likely to impact manufacturers of certain pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. The standard affect LDRS for the K156 – K159 and K161 process waste along with...Find a Post
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