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FAA Fines Food Service Co. $54,000 for HMR Violations

Posted on 8/24/2016 by Roger Marks

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) last week announced a $54,000 civil penalty against a Wyoming, Michigan food services company for violations of hazmat shipping regulations.
The violation, which occurred in 2014, stemmed from a shipment of fryer boil foaming tablets (or “pucks”).

The company allegedly offered thirty of these tablets for air transport from Plant City, FL to Greensboro, NC. Typically used by restaurants, these fryer tablets are made from sodium hydroxide, a corrosive substance known to cause eye and skin burns. The fryer pucks are also toxic if swallowed and can cause respiratory irritation when inhaled. 

Alleged Hazmat Shipping Violations

According to an FAA press release, the shipper failed to properly train employees who prepared the hazmat air shipment. Other violations included failure to mark and label the boxes and not correctly documenting the amount, type, and hazards of the material on hazmat shipping papers. In addition, the shipper failed to provide emergency response information with the shipment.

FAA is one of many US DOT branches responsible for enforcing the 49 CFR Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR). Earlier this year, US DOT increased the penalties for hazmat shipping violations, which now top out at $77,114 per day, per violation. Failure to train hazmat employees carries a minimum fine $463 per employee, per day.   

Have questions about who needs hazmat training on your staff? The explainer video and FAQ at will get you up to speed.

Hazmat air shipping

Multimodal Hazmat Shipper Training (49 CFR, IATA, IMDG)

Don’t miss the hazmat training trusted by shippers nationwide when it comes to a city near you in 2016–17! Attend all four days to learn the latest 49 CFR, IATA DGR, and IMDG Code rules for your DG shipments, or join us for just the hazmat training you need.

Last Hazmat Workshops in 2016!

Houston 9/13–16
Dallas 9/19–22
San Francisco 10/11–14
San Diego 10/17–20
Seattle 10/17–20
Kansas City 10/25–28
Detroit 10/31–11/03
Cincinnati 10/31–11/03
Pittsburgh 12/05–08
Chicago 12/12–15

Tags: DOT, fines and penalties, hazmat shipping

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