
EPA Drafts Recommended Water Quality Criteria for PFOA, PFOS, and PFBS

Posted on 12/24/2024 by Lion Technology Inc.

EPA has drafted recommended water quality criteria for three per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)—perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), and perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS).

A notice appeared in the Federal Register on December 26, 2024. The agency will accept public comments on the draft criteria for 60 days, until February 24, 2025.

These recommendations, even when finalized, do not create any legally binding requirements. EPA has published recommended human health criteria (HHC) for more than 100 pollutants to help States and Tribes develop their own water quality standards. 

From the Notice: 

“The EPA’s recommended criteria do not impose legally binding requirements. States and authorized Tribes have the discretion to adopt, where appropriate, other scientifically defensible water quality criteria that differ from the EPA’s…”

Manufacturer ID and Fees for TSCA Risk Evaluations

The Federal Register notice includes preliminary lists of manufacturers (including importers) of these five High Priority Substances, who may be charged fees associated with the risk evaluation work mandated by TSCA (per 40 CFR 700.45).

During the 60 day comment period: 

“...manufacturers (including importers) are required to self-identify as a manufacturer (including importer) of a high priority substance, irrespective of whether they are listed on the preliminary list, unless they meet one or more of the exemptions listed in 40 CFR 700.45(a)(3)(i) through (iii). 

EPA Drafts Recommended Water Quality Criteria for PFOA, PFOS, and PFBS

What Are Ambient Water Quality Criteria or AWQC? 

The Clean Water Act directs US EPA to publish pollution criteria to protect water quality and human health, without consideration of economic impacts or the technological feasibility of sufficient pollution control.  

EPA recommends ambient water quality criteria (AWQC) and Human Health Criteria (HHC) based “solely on data and scientific judgments” about the risk to human health from lifelong exposure through drinking water and eating fish or shellfish, according to the agency's website.  

Learn more: Human Health Water Quality Criteria for PFAS (

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Want a clearer idea of how major EPA air, water, and chemical programs all fit together to affect your site's activities? Join in on the next Complete Environmental Regulations Webinar on January 30–31 at

EH&S professionals who attend can identify the regulations that apply to their facility and locate key requirements to achieve compliance with the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts to EPCRA, TSCA, Superfund, and more. Prefer to train at your own pace? Try the interactive online course.

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